I recently start an online lesson on Geektime and come across an enlightening lecture from a facebook Product Manager Xiaoyin Qu. This article collects some learning & opinion that I thought useful.
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I recently start an online lesson on Geektime and come across an enlightening lecture from a facebook Product Manager Xiaoyin Qu. This article collects some learning & opinion that I thought useful.
「一键加电」是蔚来为车主提供的代客加电服务。用户在 App 中下单后,系统的调度模式如下:用户下单后,调度系统会根据用户期望的取车位置 / 取车时间、车辆状态(例如续航里程)等因素,求解服务专员和服务电力资源的组合方案。系统在求解过程中会考虑一系列的地理信息因素(如限行围栏、道路状况等),然后结合服务人员的空闲情况、电力资源的服务能力和再生能力,以及系统的配置,求出服务距离、服务时长综合最优的服务方案。
为用户提供的加电资源主要有两种:换电站和移动充电车。换电站可以在 3 分钟内将旧电池拆下,换上新电池,提供非常好的加电体验。移动充电车则适合于远郊或低电量场景,除换电站和移动充电车以外,在部分资源还没有密集布局的地区,我们也会利用三方的充电桩进行加电服务。
对于包含调度行为的 O2O 系统,服务承载能力难以通过一个简单的模型或者线性公式进行数学推演,直接得出有参考意义的指标。为了更好地评测和调优系统,以及给出一线运营资源的配置建议,我们设计并实现了 Sim Cloud —— 一个可以精确重建线上系统和环境,引入线上流量或自定义流量,估算系统供需能力曲线、评估调度策略性能的仿真平台 。
I collect some of Apache Kafka usage in our team and write an internal post in Chinese. And I would like to pull the fundamental part into this post.
This article is about a Nim game I played in my primary school. The rule are simple:
Let me demonstrate it. Assuming 1
means there is stone on the specific cell and 0
represent a gap in the following chart. And those state that would definitely lose are called Losing State.
1 | 1111 0000 0000 |
To be more specific, the following state is a possible game.
Today I encounter a very strange problem that all recent deployed applications in a specific host fail to start, with a simple error message “Permission Denied. xxxx.sh could not be executed”.
Nonsense! They’ve run for a very long time with a Jenkins driven deployment, started by a deploy script. And a binary “could not be executed” might be controlled by user & file access flag. Both checked, using root
user & 755
access flag.
Suddenly I remember that the hard-disk on this host have been re-mounted by Ops a few days ago, this operation might corrupt some filesystem runtime context. So I wrote a simple test script a.sh
, place it into different mounting point /tmp
and /data
and try to execute them via ./a.sh
(not bash ./a.sh
because in this case we are using r
way instead of x
to access the script). And script could be executed under /tmp
but not /data
Seems we are close to the root cause, but what stop us from executing a binary in different mounting point? The answer is the fstab
I drafted this new year resolution on the plane. Looking forwards to a fruitful year!
Today I am trying to solve a very interesting problem, I would like to call it the “data migration problem”.